The Sonoma International Film Festival was a big hit! The first screening of ART and Revolutions was soldout at the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, screening on March 28. The film was introduced by the new CEO of the San Francisco based Mexican Museum, Cayetana S. Gomez
A second screening was set up to allow for the those who could not be seated for the first screening. The second screening was at La Luz Community Center which we believe would have put a smile on JG Posada's face as the center provides services to many people in the community most of whom are from Mexico. The second screening was introduced by the new Cultural Attache of the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco, Paula Linares Cruz,
The director, Victor Mancilla flew in from
Los Angeles to take part in the question and answer sessions that followed the screening.
The director, Victor Mancilla flew in from
Los Angeles to take part in the question and answer sessions that followed the screening.